
Real Name: Chelle
Location: ...Planet Earth
Birthday: September 26
Anniversary: N/A

Joined date: 30-November-2003

Title name: n/a

Favorite part of The Underground: Formations & Musings

Website: Lost Muses Cafe

Blog/Journal: Windswept Indecision and Fiction Maniac

Hobbies:Writing, Reading, Music, Dolling, history, language & linguistics, politics, Acting & Drama, Theater, Singing & Chorus, Poetry

Family: Mom, Dad, and little Sister

Pets: 2 cats; Baloo & Jenna, and 1 German-Shpard dog; Duke

Favorite colors: Turquoise, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple & Maroon-ish, in that order.

Favorite things to wear: faded denim jeans, my blue and white tennis, a t-shirt and one of my many, many jackets. (I'm so addicted!) That or my Speech & Debate tournamnet wear. I love dressing professionally, when I'm not all hobo-ed out, of course.

Favorite base(s): ILCK; especially her Cora/Corin base, Solace, DHF, Xandorra,

Favorite Music: Hizzuh for Ecclectic Music Lovers! I like everything, mostly country and metal/punk/alternative, but I loath rap.

Favorite Bands: Disturbed, Keane, Lifehouse, Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, Martina McBride, Johnny Lang, Josh Grobin, Ella Fitzgerald

Favorite TV shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Gilmore Girls, Deccisive Battles, Masterpiece Theater

Favorite Movies:Orginal Star Wars Trilogy, The 1931 Dracula, West Side Story, & Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Favorite Quotes: "When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, "There's just something about you that pisses me off." - Steven King
"We could have saved the Earth, but we were too damned cheap." - Kurt Vonnegut

Favorite Foods: Tomatoes, Pineapple, Spagettios, Burritos, Chow Mein, Blue Corn Chips & Salsa, French Fries

Av by Khol